J&B Red Program (Research Paper)“‘To Be or Not to Be Cancelled’: A Research Paper on Cancel Culture” Highlights: J&B consulted with the client on a 2,*00-word research paper analyzing the dynamics of cancel culture in America. J&B worked in a three-person team and split the project into steps including: gathering sample essays and notes from the client, conducting scholarly research, preparing the client’s first draft, and editing and polishing the final essay. J&B worked closely with the client to ensure that their essay had a clear and logical structure, a strong use of evidence, and a unique stance that addressed their topic from a fresh point of view. The Topic:The J&B team worked with the client on a 2,*00-word research paper analyzing the dynamics of cancel culture in America in response to an essay assignment. The Process:J&B worked in a three-person team and split the project into three steps. At the start of the project, J&B gathered sample essays, notes, and assignment materials from the client to prepare for the writing stages. J&B helped the client gather scholarly sources to defend their argument and assisted them in preparing the first draft of their essay using the client’s model essays as a structural guide. J&B then edited and polished the final draft to ensure that it met all of the stylistic requirements for the client’s assignment. Writing Style:The client needed to identify a scholarly problem, analyze it, and solve it using a variety of sources to create a scholarly conversation. The team helped the client with the research aspect of their essay, helping them locate context sources, critical sources, and theory sources. J&B also worked closely with the client to ensure that their essay had a clear and logical structure, a strong use of evidence, and a unique stance that addressed their topic from a fresh point of view. J&B’s Key Goals: Scholarly research Critical analysis Integrating sources Coherent writing