J&B Blue Program (Young Arts) “Dreaming in Science Fiction: A Short Story for the Young Arts Competition” Highlights: J&B worked with the client on a *,000-word Science Fiction short story for the Young Arts Competition. J&B met with the client to conduct a detailed brainstorming session and gather potential ideas for the client’s short story, discussing themes, ideas, characters, and plotlines that interested the client. In addition to offering guidance on the composition of the client’s story, J&B worked with them to help flesh out the humanity of the characters. The Topic:J&B worked with the client on a *,000-word Science Fiction short story for the Young Arts Competition. The Process:At the start of the project, J&B met with the client to conduct a detailed brainstorming session and gather potential ideas for the client’s short story. As the client already had an idea of creating a dystopian, science fiction story, the J&B team discussed themes, ideas, characters, and plotlines that interested the client. Next, J&B presented the client with a general outline for the short story including structural breakdowns and key points the client might like to include. The client then produced the first draft of their story based on their creative input and general goals for the direction of their story. To help the client flesh out further plot details, the team edited the client’s first draft and shared guidelines to help the client break down their story paragraph by paragraph. Using J&B’s guidance, the client produced the second draft of their short story which the team edited and polished so that it would be ready well before the Young Arts deadline. Writing Style:The client is a highly creative, sophisticated writer interested in descriptive details and visual imagery. To help the client bring their creative vision to life, the team worked closely with the client to guide the structure, organization, and logic of their short story. In addition to offering guidance on the composition of the client’s story, J&B worked with them to help flesh out the humanity of the characters by highlighting their defining character traits throughout the short story. J&B’s Key Goals: Creativity Character development Setting Plot development