J&B Blue Program (John Locke)“An Talented Researcher Writes for John Locke” Highlights: J&B worked with the client on a *,000-word essay for the John Locke Essay Competition addressing the Theology prompt: “What distinguishes a small religion from a large cult?” The J&B team split the project into the following steps containing: brainstorming, topic selection, outlining, draft writing, and editing. To help the client fine-tune their research and clarify their content, the team worked with the client on revising their thesis, creating clear topic and concluding sentences, and building the analytical component of their essay to back up their research. The Topic:J&B worked with the client on a *,000-word essay for the John Locke Essay Competition addressing the Theology prompt: “What distinguishes a small religion from a large cult?” The Process:At the start of the project, the J&B team met with the client to brainstorm and decide on a prompt for the competition. As the client was interested in two prompts, J&B shared relevant readings related to each to help the client settle on a topic. Once the client finalized their prompt, the team prepared a detailed, 10-page outline for the client to help them write their first draft. After the client conducted their own, independent research, they utilized the framework of J&B’s outline as a guide while adding their own insights into their first draft. The team then carefully edited and revised the client’s draft, and returned it to them with suggestions. The client used J&B’s edits to prepare their second, final draft, which the team polished and revised so that it was ready for submission to John Locke. Writing Style:The client is a thoughtful, research-oriented writer excited to explore new topics. To help the client fine-tune their research and clarify their content, the team worked with the client on revising their thesis, creating clear topic and concluding sentences, and building the analytical component of their essay to back up their research. J&B also worked with the client on expanding their counterclaim and concluding paragraphs. At the end of the project, J&B and the client were satisfied with the final draft. J&B’s Key Goals: Analysis Persuasion Clarity Structure and organization