J&B Blue Program (John Locke)“Blurring the Line Between Cults and Religions for John Locke” Highlights: J&B worked with the client on a 1,*00-word essay for the John Locke Essay Competition addressing the Theology prompt: “What distinguishes a small religion from a large cult?” J&B worked in a three-person team and split the project into steps containing: brainstorming, topic selection, a lecture, a reading period, a seminar, outlining stage, draft writing, and editing. To help the client build the persuasive component of their essay, the team worked closely with the client to provide supporting evidence, structural guidance, and suggestions for expanding the scope of their arguments. The Topic:J&B worked with the client on a 1,*00-word essay for the John Locke Essay Competition addressing the Theology prompt: “What distinguishes a small religion from a large cult?” The Process:J&B worked in a three-person team and began the project with a brainstorming session to discuss potential John Locke prompts. As the client was interested in three prompts, J&B shared relevant articles related to each topic to assist them with their topic selection. Once the client decided on a prompt, the team prepared a 40-minute lecture and shared ten scholarly sources related to the topic to further the client’s background knowledge. After the client reviewed the readings, J&B held a seminar session with the client to discuss three of the readings in greater detail and gather insights. The team then shared a detailed outline with the client to help them write their first draft. Using J&B’s outline as a starting point, the client wrote their first draft, which J&B promptly edited and returned to the client with suggestions. Utilizing the team’s feedback, the client wrote their second draft, which J&B edited and polished so that it met their writing standards. Writing Style:The client is a detail-oriented writer interested in argumentative writing. To help the client build the persuasive component of their essay, the team worked closely with the client to provide supporting evidence, structural guidance, and suggestions for expanding the scope of their arguments. J&B also assisted the client with transitions, paraphrasing, and clarity. At the end of the project, the client was confident in the quality of their essay. J&B’s Key Goals: Strategic evidence Persuasive writing Structure and organization Logic