J&B Blue Program (SRSA)“Ready to Combat Water Pollution: A Research Paper for a STEM Summer Program” Highlights: J&B worked with the client on a 5*0-word research paper for their 2024 Summer Residential Governor’s Schools Agriculture (SRSA) application. J&B split the project into the following steps: brainstorming, program consultation, prompt selection, outlining, draft writing, and editing. The team assisted the client with crafting a unique stance that fully answered their essay prompt, drew from credible evidence, addressed a counterclaim, and demonstrated their candidacy for their program. The Topic:J&B worked with the client on a 5*0-word research paper for their 2024 Summer Residential Governor’s Schools Agriculture (SRSA) application. The Process:At the start of the project, the J&B team met with the client to gather relevant details about their background related to their chosen program. Once the team had sufficient information, they prepared three topic suggestions for the client to help them address the necessary essay prompt required for their program. After careful consideration and consulting with J&B, the client decided to tailor their essay for another program offered by the same institution—SRSA—as they felt it might be a better fit for their unique qualifications. J&B then selected an essay prompt for SRSA and prepared a detailed outline for the client to help them write their first draft. After the client shared their draft, the team edited and revised it so that it would be ready for submission to SRSA. Writing Style:The client has a strong background and experience examining sources of pollution in water. To ensure that the client’s application essay stood out, J&B helped the client incorporate their background experience and certifications into their essay. The team assisted the client with crafting a unique stance that fully answered their essay prompt, drew from credible evidence, addressed a counterclaim, and demonstrated their candidacy for their program. J&B’s Key Goals: Scholarly research Editing and revision Crafting a central idea Structure and organization