Highlights: J&B worked with the client on a 1,000-word personal essay for the Bennington Young Writer’s Awards, Nonfiction category. The team split the project into: a brainstorming phase, topic suggestion/selection, outlining process, draft writing, and editing. To help the client strike a balance between vivid imagery and bold narration, the team worked closely with them on pairing creative metaphors with personal details, and utilizing poetic language while leaving room for critical analysis. The Topic: J&B worked with the client on a 1,000-word personal essay for the Bennington Young Writer’s Awards, Nonfiction category. The Process: At the start of the project, J&B went over the client’s chosen categories, personal philosophy, goals, family background, and any experiences that would help them gain a better understanding of what type of submission would be ideal for the client. After assessing the client’s goals, the team shared three topic suggestions that would be a good fit for Bennington. The client carefully reviewed J&B’s suggestions and then chose the topic they felt best captured their interests and goals. Next, J&B shared a detailed, 900-word outline with the client to help them write their first draft. The client followed J&B’s outline to produce their first draft, which the team edited and returned to the client with specific guidance. The client then produced a second draft based on J&B’s edits, which the team carefully revised and edited so that it represented the client’s unique perspective and experiences from a creative and analytical perspective. Writing Style: The client is a cautious writer interested in thoughtfully revealing their narrative. To help the client strike a balance between vivid imagery and bold narration, the team worked closely with them on pairing creative metaphors with personal details, and utilizing poetic language while leaving room for critical analysis. At the end of the project, J&B was confident that the client’s final draft was a strong submission to Bennington’s Nonfiction category. J&B’s Key Goals: Poetic language Critical analysis Structure and organization Revealing details