Highlights: J&B worked with the client on preparing an art portfolio complete with an opening letter, table of contents, and detailed descriptions of artworks, as well as a 500-word artist statement and a separate statement for their Common App Info Section. J&B broke the project into: an assessment phase, outlining stage, editing and polishing, and statement writing. J&B worked closely with the client on poetic language, vocabulary, rhythm, and overall flow and cohesion. The Topic: J&B worked with the client on preparing an art portfolio complete with an opening letter, table of contents, and detailed descriptions of artworks. The team also assisted the client with preparing a 500-word artist statement and a separate statement for their Common App Info Section. The Process: At the start of the project, the J&B team reviewed and evaluated the client’s artwork. After the client finalized and selected the nine works they planned to share in their portfolio, the team assessed the entirety of their work and identified underlying themes and artistic goals, which they incorporated into an outline for the client’s opening letter. The team then prepared outlines for descriptions analyzing the client’s nine artworks. J&B also checked all mediums and dimensions of artwork with the client. Utilizing J&B’s outlines as a guide, the client wrote a draft of their opening letter and art descriptions, which the team then edited and incorporated into a final portfolio draft complete with a table of contents. At the end of the project, J&B assisted the client with preparing their artist statements based on their opening letter, which the team carefully edited and polished so they would align with the client’s submission deadlines. Writing Style: The client is a detail-oriented, visually driven writer. To help the client polish and refine their work, J&B worked closely with the client on poetic language, vocabulary, rhythm, and overall flow and cohesion. The team also assisted the client with infusing their artist statements and opening letter with key personal and analytical details. J&B’s Key Goals: Visual analysis Vivid language Clarity Cohesion