J&B Blue Program (HIEEC)“The Essay Not Written is More Dangerous than the Risk Taken (Writing about Economic Risks for the HIEEC )” Highlights: The J&B team worked with the client on a 1,500-word essay for the Harvard International Economics Essay Contest addressing economic risks, climate change, and governmental policies that increase economic efficiency. J&B worked in a three-person team and split the project into steps including: a brainstorming session, reading materials, an outlining stage, draft writing, and careful editing and revising. As the client is passionate about economic policies and climate change, the team helped the client’s original insights and ideas shine by focusing on clear, concise writing. The Topic:J&B worked with the client to produce a 1,500-word essay for the Harvard International Economics Essay Contest (HIEEC) for a prompt asking: “What economic risks does a changing climate pose? Can economic growth be consistent with a healthy environment? What policies, either market-based or otherwise, should governments enact to protect the environment while posing the least danger to economic efficiency?" The Process:J&B worked in a three-person team and split the project into four main steps. At the start of the project, the J&B team engaged in a brainstorming session with the client to gather their ideas and discuss possible focuses for all of the HIEEC’s four prompts. The team then shared reading materials related to the prompts to help the client select the prompt that fit their interests best. After the client chose their prompt, the J&B team prepared a detailed outline for the client including relevant, scholarly sources and figures related to their thesis. After using the outline to produce their draft, the J&B team edited, revised, and polished their essay until it met J&B’s writing standards and the HIEEC requirements. Writing Style:The client is an eloquent writer comfortable engaging with scholarly sources and forming complex arguments. They are also passionate about economic policies and climate change activism. To help the client’s insights shine in their essay, J&B helped the client construct clear, concise sentences that were not overly wordy. Throughout the editing process, the J&B team also helped the client with paraphrasing, balancing their counterclaim, and highlighting their unique ideas. At the end of the project, J&B prepared a detailed evaluation for the client to help them improve on future writing projects. J&B’s Key Goals: In-depth research Concise writing Editing and revising Collaboration