J&B Blue Program (HIEEC)“Tackling Real-Life Issues for the HIEEC” Highlights: J&B consulted with the client on a 1,400-word essay for the Harvard International Economics Essay Contest (HIEEC) exploring China’s lowered fertility rates, its economic growth rate and policies, and how the Chinese government can reduce the risk of falling fertility rates. After engaging in a brainstorming session, the J&B team provided the client with reading materials to help them narrow down their ideas and an outline, which the client used to create their first draft. J&B and the client engaged in edits back and forth until they produced a polished, final essay. To help the client improve their knowledge of macroeconomic theories, J&B provided the client with numerous scholarly sources, while paying close attention to the client’s persuasive use of their sources throughout the editing stages. The Topic:J&B worked with the client on a 1,400-word essay for the Harvard International Economics Essay Contest (HIEEC) addressing Prompt 2: “Will [China’s] lowered fertility rate (with potential to fall further) affect [its] economic growth and policy? How so? What, if anything, can the Chinese government do to limit the risk of falling fertility rates?” The Process:At the start of the project, the J&B team led a brainstorming session with the client to discuss potential prompts. After the client expressed an interest in multiple prompts, J&B provided relevant articles related to all four prompts to help the client pick a topic to focus on. After the client selected Prompt 2, the team prepared a detailed outline for the client drawing from some of their initial ideas from the brainstorming session. The client then used the outline to create the first draft of their essay, which J&B actively revised and returned back to the client with suggestions. The client used J&B’s edits to create their second draft, which the team polished and revised so that the client could submit it to the HIEEC, meeting the contest’s deadline in a timely fashion. Writing Style:As the client is passionate about exploring new ideas, they were able to improve their knowledge of macroeconomic theories while working on their HIEEC essay. To help the client identify a specific economic theory applicable to their thesis, J&B provided the client with numerous scholarly sources. The team also helped the client retain a tight, clear focus with careful edits while assisting the client with the argumentative side of their essay: their counterclaim. At the end of the project, the client showed a strong knowledge of key economic theories and was able to apply them convincingly to real-life issues.