J&B Blue Program (Journal of Student Research)“A Future Psychologist Writes for JSR” Highlights: J&B worked with the client to produce a 2,500-word review article for the Journal of Student Research (JSR) exploring pharmacology and consumer psychology. J&B assisted the client with creating a strong abstract that addressed the bigger picture of their research, their paper’s purpose, their research aims, and the future implications of their study. As the client hopes to study psychology in the future, getting their paper published in JSR is an excellent way to jump-start their career and prepare for future studies. The Topic:J&B worked with the client to produce a 2,500-word review article for the Journal of Student Research (JSR) exploring pharmacology and consumer psychology. The Process:As the client came into the project with an original draft, the J&B team met with the client to brainstorm potential ways to revise the paper to suit JSR. Once J&B and the client agreed on a direction, the team produced a detailed outline for the client based on the first draft of their research paper. The client utilized J&B’s outline to write their first draft, which the team edited and returned to the client with suggestions. After the client worked on their second draft, J&B polished it and re-formatted it to suit JSR’s submission guidelines. At the end of the project, the team shared an evaluation of the client’s writing performance. Writing Style:The client is a careful writer focused on making sure every sentence they produce is clear and concise. To help the client clarify their language, the team worked with the client on organization, sentence structure, and flow. J&B also assisted the client with creating a strong abstract that addressed the bigger picture of their research, their paper’s purpose, their research aims, and the future implications of their study. J&B’s Key Goals: Structure Organization In-depth research Clarity Journal Selection Process:As the client’s original research paper was related to pharmacology and consumer psychology, J&B suggested JSR as an ideal submission platform for their revised paper. Since JSR publishes papers ranging from the hard to soft sciences, the team was confident that the client’s content would align with JSR’s expectations. Moreover, as the client hopes to study psychology in the future, getting their paper published in JSR is an excellent way to jump-start their career and prepare for future studies.