J&B Blue Program (Concord Review)“Perfecting a Paper for the Concord Review” Highlights: J&B worked with the client to edit and polish their 8,500-word paper for the Concord Review. The J&B team had four main goals: 1) helping the client provide a stronger historical background on key topics, 2) removing repetitive content, 3) complexifying analyses, and 4) adding relevant scholarly sources to provide more in-depth research. To take the client’s paper to the next level, J&B offered language suggestions, helped the client flesh out key details, and boosted their historical evidence. The Topic:J&B collaborated with the client to edit and finalize a 8,500-word paper for the Concord Review, exploring the L system in the J. The Process:As the client came to J&B with a draft that was already 8,500 words, after reviewing the client’s draft, the team approached the project with the aim of: 1) helping the client provide a stronger historical background on key topics, 2) removing repetitive content, 3) complexifying analyses, and 4) adding relevant scholarly sources to provide more in-depth research. After providing the client with a series of edits and suggestions to polish their grammar/language, J&B assisted the client in adding new paragraphs to their draft to boost their introduction and body paragraphs. The team also revised the client’s thesis to clearly represent their stance. After adding and removing targeted content, the J&B team presented the client with a polished paper that met the Concord Review’s guidelines and expectations. Writing Style:As the client had already conducted scholarly research on their topic, J&B helped the client narrow down their key ideas with further historical evidence. J&B also offered suggestions to keep the client’s language aligned with previously published Concord Review papers. To help the client take their paper to the next level, the J&B team worked with the client to flesh out key details with clear, concise, and informative language. J&B’s Key Goals: Editing and revising Historical research Clarity Formatting