“J&B Self-Motivated Essay Learning”
Consulting Process
Cultivate a “Self-Motivated Essay Learning” habit with J&B Book, a collection of your pieces of
essay writing based on the individualized and systemic consulting, which collectively provides
1:1 personalized pre-consulting, edits and guidance from beginning to end.
“J&B Self-Motivated Essay Learning”
Stage 1: All of your needs and concerns related to essay writing are satisfactorily addressed!
Through 1:1 personalized Zoom sessions with our head consultant, we fully engage with you to ensure we carefully gather everything we need from you to help you write well and confidently. At this stage, we competently diagnose and provide the right essay guidance that works best for you.
Stage 2: Guided learning systemically takes place!
Based on the inputs gathered from you at Stage 1, we help you craft an outline that best fits your preference. You, then, are fully guided as to how to produce a first draft by yourself. We, then, help you polish it. After that, you get to produce a second draft utilizing feedback from us to make it even more perfect. Finally, we polish your second draft and that piece of writing ultimately becomes our final draft. Throughout this back-to-back process, you get to tackle and become more comfortable with all fundamental aspects of essay writing.
Stage 3: Your completed essay draft is thoroughly reviewed and finalized for the last time!
Now that we have produced a final written piece together, it is time for us to conduct a rigorous review on it.
At this stage, our quality assurance experts from Essay Consulting Team (ECT) check every detail
from commas to in-text citations to ensure the final draft is nothing but the work of perfection.
We, moreover, run the most advanced plagiarism detection software in our field to make sure
it is 100% original and is free of errors.
Stage 4: Practice
“J&B Self-Motivated Essay Learning” with J&B Book!
At this final stage, you are encouraged not just to keep J&B Book but actively practice,
by using it, so-called “J&B Self-Motivated Essay Learning.”
Now that you are equipped with J&B Book provided by us as your unique reference, it is time for you to utilize it
to overcome the challenges and issues related to essay writing when working on various types and topics of essay writing.
Because J&B Book is made by you, it will serve you well in the path towards writing a perfect essay.
It is challenging to produce great essays by yourself.
It requires great essay consulting to produce great essays.
Let us unlock your full writing potentials and help you achieve great results and satisfaction with
"J&B Self-Motivated Essay Learning” Consulting Process.
J&B Essay Consulting, LLC | 8000 Towers Crescent Dr. Suite 1318, Vienna, VA 22182 | 703-278-2773 | pct@jbessay.com